First of all, I wanted to introduce my car, a 96 Volvo 860 GLT, which is an amazing blessing. I am super thankful and feel very safe driving the stationwagon. All the electronics is in good working order, strong AC, automatic locks, and a radio! It's everything I could ever ask for!!
So, I've been discovering a few more things on my own. On Sunday, I went to the 11AM service at Liquid Church, of Morristown. It is held in a conference center, in the Hyatt. I circled the complex 2 times, puzzled at where to park, because there were several parking entrances and many confusing signs. I ended up just turning into the parking lot, and it was a good thing that I found the right spot!
The lobby was huuuuge. There was a movie theater and several restaurants. After walking by them, I found the entrance and got a nametag and first timer gift bag! The welcoming crew were super friendly, and then service started, and the experience reminded me of going to the Rock in San Diego.
The band played music loudly, and I learned a few new songs. What distracted me a little was the flashing lights- kind of made me feel like I was on a dance floor.. hehe. There was a guest speaker who came, talking about Biblical finance. You know, those things in Proverbs which are supposed to be common sense but we tend to just ignore them anyway.
Liquid church has nothing to do with the book with the same title, which is a sure relief!! I believe although they are up to date on technology (such as using MACS), this is more of a seeker friendly church. I couldn't meet anyone.. and that's the thing about large churches, so this week I will visit a smaller church, with small groups. If I could have my way I would move everyone from HOC6 all the way to New Jersey to be with me, but I'm not sure if they would appreciate the move! I can't wait to see everyone from back home and help out on Compassion Network projects.
I thought you want a 2-seater car. But you are right, Volvo is safer.