When I first entered Qdoba, a nice aroma of salsa, and spicy meat greeted me. What striked me immediately was how Qdoba looks so much like Chipotle, in the set up, style, and even menu! They had the usual of burrito, rice bowl, and chips. Instead of pushing guacamole, they had a 4-cheese dip with their chips. The burrito I ordered was pretty good, but I feel Chipotle is the true pioneer in making buttery yummy rice with hint of lime, juicy seasoned chicken and steak, great salsa, and the amazing guacamole. I'm pretty sure Qdoba is a copy of Chipotle, just like Burger King copied McDonald's.. and so on.
It was sunny when I walked in Qdoba, but as I left it, a cold wind, and leaf fragments overwhelmed me. I looked at the sky, and it was dark and covered in clouds swirling quickly. A flash of light in the distance warned me of what was about to come, so I ran to the car with my burrito in hand. As soon as I closed the door, a down pour of rain fell, accompanied by more rain and thunder. Phew!
The fasting Daddy is drooling.