Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thunderstorms in New Jersey

Last night, there was a fierce thunderstorm, and it was raining so hard. Ever time it thundered, the whole house shook! I think I was right underneath the storm! When I got woken up by it, I thought it was the apocalypse because it sounded like the sky tearing in two!!
The thundering started at about 2:00AM and didn't stop- so I couldn't sleep the whole night and was super scared!
When I woke up, I looked out the window, and it was still raining, but it was very foggy with low visibility, and almost as dark as night. Groggily, I got dressed and out the door, and was driving really slowly.
On my drive, there was a serious downpour, like cats and dogs. I wish there was a higher setting for the highest windshield wiper speed setting. Then it started thundering and there was lightening, with fog and soooo much rain, I couldn't see the road or the cars next to me!!! I was literally crawling along the slippery roads. AHHHHH... *hyperventalate* The hills were seriously like water slides and in the valley there were big streams of water!!
When I got to work, I found out there was a power outage earlier.. and I feel safe for now. phew!

I think I would take California wildfires and earthquakes over New Jersey thunderstorms. Earthquakes come every 10 years while there were 3 thunderstorms the past week!