Monday, March 29, 2010

New Mexico Rain

New Mexico rain is not actually rain. Instead of it being light and airy, it stirs of brown clouds of sand because the winds blow, up to 60-70 mph. When it blows that fast, there are warnings in place and the advice to keep all windows shut tightly (even taped), so the dust does not come indoors.

Even the desert has evidence of spring time. Daffodils are showing their colors, and the cherry blossoms are slowly creeping and covering trees. However, it is not unusual for there to be another cold spell in early April.

Today some coworkers and I went to the Stone Age Rock Climbing Gym. Since we took the introductory class on tying 8 knots and belaying, we had a quiz first thing to make sure we knew all the proper safety procedures before they would let us be off on our way. I was so nervous that my knot did not seem right. The teacher from last week taught us a mnemonic to help us with our knot tying. Since it seemed appropriate that we lived near Roswell, New Mexico, our teacher said, "First make an Alien head with the rope. Since it is an enemy Alien, we want to strange the alien and punch it in the head." Remember this, I was able to tie my knot. We all passed the test and now able to tie decent knots and belay each other.

We climbed and climbed for almost 3 hours, but now my arms are very tired. I am debating whether to pick up this sport, but it is hard for me to do it because I have to bring a partner each time. However, it is undeniable that this is a good way to work out the arms and build strength.


  1. It is raining here now and the wind is howling. I learned how to make that knot so that I would never forget, but now I can't remember.

  2. Your quote from the instructor for tying the knots is very interesting. Hoping you can show us when you come home, so we can all punch the alien head together. Have a good time.
